ACORN raids = GOP publicity stunt

As McCain’s poll number descend toward Bush’s approval rating, his tactics have become increasingly pathetic and desperate.

The latest thing I’ve heard from the packs of slobbering dogs who still hold out hope for the GOP ticket, is that Barack Obama, with his ties to the “Chicago political machine” is conducting a fraudulent a Get Out The Vote campaign via a group called ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). ACORN helps people register to vote, and they advocate on behalf of low-income people and minorities. As you can imagine, this puts them in the sights of Republican operatives.

The charges of fraud against ACORN are thoroughly debunked here, in an in-depth article by Jason Leopold of The Public Record. Do you remember the controversial firing of US Attorneys be AG Gonzales? You should. In short, 9 US Attorneys were fired because their political views either differed from that of the Administration, or they refused to carry out the political agenda of the Bush Administration. Two of these attorneys were fired because they refused to bring charges against ACORN. Why didn’t they want to bring charges? Because they had no case. All they had were isolated incidents of ballots that had been improperly or incompletely filled out. Have you ever created a form that was distributed to the general public? I have. Do you know how many come back filled out correctly on the first try? A very low percentage. ACORN by law must turn in every form even if they see that someone has written “Mickey Mouse, 123 Anystreet USA” on it. This is not a coordinated attempt to defraud the election system, it’s a sad fact of dealing with thousands of average citizens. In fact, the number of these flawed registration forms is much lower than one would expect considering the tens of thousands that are processed by voter advocacy groups like ACORN.

In summary, don’t believe the latest smear you’re hearing from the McCain campaign about Barack Obama. It’s a bitter, desperate – and sadly racist – attempt to claim a fraud conspiracy where none exists.

Published by secularjihad

I'm a proud and affirmed atheist, multi-instrument musician, motorcyle enthusiast, cat owner and avid gamer.

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