Joe the Racist Skinhead McCain operative.

“Joe the Plumber”, the rhetorical device that John McCain repeatedly invoked during the 3rd presidential debate, is an actual person who was interviewed by Katie Couric on after the debate. During this interview, he referred to Obama as “well spoken” and said he “tap danced like Sammy Davis Jr.” Wow. You just don’t find …

ACORN raids = GOP publicity stunt

As McCain’s poll number descend toward Bush’s approval rating, his tactics have become increasingly pathetic and desperate. The latest thing I’ve heard from the packs of slobbering dogs who still hold out hope for the GOP ticket, is that Barack Obama, with his ties to the “Chicago political machine” is conducting a fraudulent a Get …

Associating with criminals: Obama vs. McCain

We’ve been hearing a lot about Barack Obama’s “association with known terrorists” lately. Nevermind the fact that Obama was 8 years old when this terrorist activity took place. Nevermind the fact that he is not closely associated with the person in question. What we’re not hearing much about is the fact that John McCain has …

An introduction…

I’d like to take a minute to make a quick introduction. I post under the name secularJihad because I am a fervent, some would say militant, atheist. I am out to destroy Christmas. I would prefer most churches be bulldozed or turned into all-ages rock venues, unless they have some intrinsic artistic, cultural or architectural …

Q: How do you tell the difference between George W. Bush and Sarah Palin?

Answer: Lipstick. Last night, during the Vice Presidential debate, we were shown the glaring contrast between the two tickets. The Obama/Biden campaign has been hammering on the McCain=Bush theme so much that I’m almost sick of hearing it. I’d love to see a fresh new attack, there are so many to choose from, but this …