Little Tikes Drawing Art Tracing and Activity Desk with chair – power supply replacement info

s-l1600This is just going to be a quick post about the power supply that you need for a Little Tikes desk with light and tracing table. These are great little activity tables and you can find them in garage sales and thrift stores all over the place. Often times you find them with a missing or frayed power cable. Cables and little kids have a strained relationship, so this doesn’t surprise me. Little Tikes doesn’t supply them any more, because this great desk is discontinued.

What you need is an adapter that outputs 12V AC 1A. If you search for “12V AC adapter 1A” on Amazon you should be able to find one for under $10. I was lucky enough to have one laying around in my big box of wall warts. Just open up the desk and splice it to the internal wire where the plug was snipped and you should be in business. I picked up two of these desks for nothing and now have a killer drawing area for my preschoolers.

The bulbs for these desks are cheap and easy to replace. They’re listed as #912 (sometimes there are letters preceding the number, depending on the brand) wedge type lights and you can find them auto parts stores for a couple dollars a pair. You’ll need two, one for the tracing table and another for the desk lamp. They look like this:



Published by secularjihad

I'm a proud and affirmed atheist, multi-instrument musician, motorcyle enthusiast, cat owner and avid gamer.

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